Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blue Cross

In case you've ever been screwed by Blue Cross (and, really, who hasn't?), you'll be happy to know the Governator's administration is investigating the HMO for improperly dropping patients.

On a related note:

A bill by Assemblyman Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, would prohibit insurance companies from offering bonuses to employees for limiting, canceling or rescinding policies.

Oh, good.

La Mesa Is the Place to Be

The cops in La Mesa apparently found the Mayor lying drunk by the side of his SUV. And what did they do? Gave him a ride home, of course.

And I'm sure the cops would have done that for me too...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sick at sea and at home

So a cruise ship came back with a fresh norovirus outbreak. Nothing says "ain't we got fun" like "ain't we got runs."
(Click here for the story:
Of course, maybe they were just fearing returning to land and our super craptastic economy: (
How excited can either Hillary or Obama - or any Democratic candidate for office - be about inheriting the consequences of 8 years of blithe ignorance and mismanagement - at home and abroad?  Have fun with that, y'all. My guess is you won't be around too long to worry about it anyway - voters have super short memories, so don't expect them to blame GW for long.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Press Release of the Week

From the Sac Bee, the press release of the week.

Battin proposes to open HOV Lanes to "Carbon Neutral" drivers

SACRAMENTO – Senator Jim Battin (R- La Quinta) announced today legislation that would encourage every owner of a polluting, flashy, fuel sucking car to buy their way into an environmentally conscious "carbon neutral" lifestyle. SB 1374 would allow auto owners who purchase carbon credits that offset the carbon dioxide emissions of their vehicles to participate in the Clean Air - High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) decal program, allowing the driver to use an HOV lane.

This program currently only applies to the first 88,000 vehicles meeting enhanced California and Federal emission standards. Under Battin's proposed law, carbon neutral vehicles can also participate in the decal program. Battin sees SB 1374 as a perfect opportunity to jump start the state's efforts to single-handedly stop the fractionally small rise in global temperature.

On February 28, the California State Air Resources Board (CARB) is scheduled to consider under its AB 32 implementation plan how voluntary early actions can start saving the planet. "I can’t think of a better way to become a true champion of the environment and reduce your carbon foot print than by going 'carbon neutral' with your car," stated Battin.

Battin himself decided to go "carbon neutral" immediately after he was scolded by the Contra Costa Times article that read, "Lawmakers' flashy, fuel-sucking cars on road at the expense of taxpayers". "I was embarrassingly caught using excess energy. The only thing I could do was take action," Battin declared. Battin immediately purchased for $45 a DriveNeutral Certificate which simply states that his CO2 emissions have been offset for one year. The obvious next question is if he has gone "green" and is "carbon neutral" why shouldn’t he and other environmentally conscious drivers have the same rights as low-emission drivers and live the HOV lane good life?

This proposal should complement CARB’s efforts. Through the DriveNeutral "CO2" Calculator or any of the dozens of other "carbon calculators" one can calculate that a 2007 Toyota Prius emits 4,229 pounds of dirty carbon per year making the Prius a worse foe to the environment than Senator Battin's carbon-free Lincoln Aviator. Through LiveNeutral, or any of the dozens of other carbon credit vendors, it would cost only $15 to eliminate this Prius polluter's carbon footprint.

Battin added, "The guilt of my excess energy using days are a thing of the past - I feel great about my carbon credit indulgence and think many other Californians will too… when they are driving guilt free in the empty diamond lane."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Francis Airs Mayor Ads

This is just one of the crazily early mayor campaign ads coming from Steve Francis. See the rest here.

Don't worry they're all happy and upbeat.

By the way, We Still Have a Budget Problem

It turns out the budget deficit is $16 Billion, not $14.5.

The LA Times goes on about the non-partisan legislative analyst's report that we CAN'T SOLVE THIS PROBLEM BY CUTTING SPENDING!

There, someone said it.

On a related note, the school district is asking for community input about the necessary cuts.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Day After Valentine's

Sorry my extended abscence; my computer blew up and deleted lots of important stuff. And no one likes having to spend time sitting at the Mac Store.

But now I'm back! And I hope everyone had a fantastic St. Valentine's Day.

On that note of 'romance', Assemblyman Calderon (who wants to become speaker) tried to woo the female members of the Dem caucus with long-stemmed roses.

“If I can’t have your heart, I’ll settle for your vote,” said the note accompanying the flowers. “Please be mine, Chuck Calderon.”

What, no flowers for the men?


News items to make up for your lack of me for the last week:

People are protesting a plan to allow Mexican truck drivers to come through the US and US truck drivers to go through Mexico. They're calling it a 'sham'. Doesn't a sham mean you have to be pretending to do something else?

Students are protesting higher fees on campus again. The problem with crying wolf all those times before though, is now there really is a wolf...

He recently took on a third job and stresses out about his living expenses and the cost of parking on campus.

Parking? How do they always find the most ridiculous people to profile?

And today the legislature is voting on passing all those massive budget cuts we've been hearing about.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bye-Bye Toll Road

The California Coastal Commission rejected the San Onofre toll road plan.

Maybe not as big news as Romney, but really who cares about Romney now.

Don't Let Jail Stop You

Despite being indicted, Councilman Steve Castaneda plans on running for re-election.

Way not to let the man get you down.

Unfortunately, the councilman may be convicted of the felony perjury charges.

Castaneda could not serve on the council if he were convicted of a felony.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's the delegates, stupid

A funny thing happens if you really look at the results of the primaries and caucuses so far: this race is far, far closer than most coverage makes it seem. True, last night had an exponential higher number of "horserace" analogies, but I think it also took some actual mathematics to hammer home the point. Check out this helpful table at Real Clear Politics - - (hat tip to The Roundup at
Even Iowa - the state that turned the tide and heralded an Obama filled future - has a single delegate difference between Clinton and Obama. No really. That's how the table reads to me. Am I wrong?
In non-winner-take-all states, who "wins" the popular vote is nifty, but it doesn't necessarily indicate a clincher for the candidate at the convention (which is still, by the way, where the nominee is technically selected).  Cali apparently was giving pundits a fit last night since we do stuff on a county-by-county basis that was just throwing them for a loop.
And on the Reep side - somehow even though Romney has more delegates right now, there's far more talk about him bowing out before Huckabee who just won't go away. Fine with me since he's the most fun Reep to watch.
So California both matters and yet remains non-determinative. That's a good place to be. We counted, but we couldn't really screw anything up too badly. Good for us.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Leaderboard Fun

Because it's there, now it's here. I think it should update regularly. Hope so, otherwise, there's no point.

Vote, Vote, Vote

So my boss just walked in (yes, I'm at work) and asked if it was like election day or something? YES, IT IS.

Though, if you don't know that you probably don't really know anything about what you're voting on, so it might be ok if you stay home.

If you do go to vote, you'll notice the fancy computers are gone and we're back to good old paper and pen. And this is going to mean hours of work through the night for elections officials.

It takes the scanners 15 minutes to count 100 to 200 ballots, so crews expect to work throughout the night to tally the roughly 600,000 ballots on decades-old technology.

The problem is that those fancy computers were maybe a little to fancy.

The reason for the delay in results is restrictions placed on the use of electronic voting machines by California Secretary of State Debra Bowen that force 20 counties, including San Diego, to use paper ballots.

Bowen largely banned the use of certain machines after an independent review of three manufacturers last summer showed that the systems could be easily manipulated using typical office tools and limited computer experience.

In case you're wondering what company that is, it was Diebold and now it goes by the name of Premier Election Solutions. And I had a friend who was working temp for them up in LA and became a whistle-blower because he had evidence that showed they were rigging the last election. And a massive suit was brought against him. Go democracy!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Why is gambling OK on certain land, but not others?

The Governator came to SD to push the casino propositions.

My only thought is if they can all afford this much ad time on TV, they really shouldn't be pushing the whole impoverished tribes thing.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Newspaper Endorsments

The UT's endorsements can be found here. They're pretty standard, but the only thing that stood out was the Yes Votes on Indian Gaming Props 94,95 and 97. What about 96?

The only difference I could see, at first, was that the Sycuan's pact (Prop 96) was in San Diego County and the others were not. But, apparently, 96 includes a provision to allow them to build a casino off tribal land.

I still don't know how I feel about the whole bullshit, oh, righ, propostions, in general, but I geuss this is why you should actually read what you're voting on.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Auday, Auday, Auday

Red County San Diego reports that "Democrat" Auday Arabo only raised $55,398.96 this period, but spent $53,803.70. *Happy Dance*

It would be an understatement to say that his fundraising efforts lost steam in the last half of 2008.

And why is the Red County following Auday so closely? Because he's a Republican in disguise!