Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hate Crimes

The only thing the campus is really talking about this week: the attacks against members and supporters of the LGBT community.

Only hours after the Rally Against Hate, which was suppose to be in protest of the anonymous threatening letter to openly gay administrator David Case, someone attacked a 23-year old student associated with the rally.

The male perpetrator, sprung from behind the victim – described only as a GLBT ally and prominent member of the student body – choking her with a rope and blurting the words “faggot lover.” As the victim attempted to ward off the attacker, he threw her to the ground, fleeing the scene before the female could clearly identify him, authorities said.

"faggot lover"?? The idiots haven't even come up with anything better?

This is just depressing.

Don't forget to come out to the candlelight vigil tomorrow at 9pm. It'll be right after the Diva's Night Out show. Maybe we can come together, eventually.

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