Monday, December 3, 2007

Ban the Ban 3

An organization formed to stop the beach ban the Mayor signed. Ban the Ban Round 3. No kidding.

Ban the Ban 3 is a grassroots, volunteer organization that is committed to ensuring that the tax-paying citizens of San Diego have safe, public recreation spaces, where they can enjoy their personal freedoms in a safe & responsible manner. Dedicated to representing the people of the City of San Diego, Ban the Ban 3 encourages real solutions to public concerns, not more restrictive laws.

I wonder if that extends to all personal freedoms?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can be assured that the main sponsor to ban alcohol at the beach Kevin Faulconer is no friend to the LGB community in San Diego. I was surprised that Toni Atkins supported this measure. Apparently, she wants the gov't out of her personal life, but doesn't mind it messing with everyone elses.