Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hillary and Obama: Making history before it happens

Snaked from LA Politica:

I know it would be hard for pundits to do, but maybe, if they just try a little bit, they could back the hell off making final determinations about events that are still unfolding. Like right now. All around us.

Remember that scene in Spaceballs? No?*

The LA Times has a teaser headline on its front page saying "Super Tuesday Could Cut Obama Down To Size." Seriously? Was he more than the correct size again? Just because of Saturday's South Carolina results? I'm not discounting his victory, I think it's great. But really, this was the year of the Hillary until Iowa and then again once we made it to New Hampshire, and, come Super Tuesday, it likely will be in some big states. And don't get me wrong, I would LOVE the national convention to be a nail-bitter of delegate lobbying and network newscasts, but, c'mon. Can we all have just, like, half a break?

*Dark Helmet: What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?
Colonel Sandurz: Now. You're looking at now sir. Everything that happens now, is happening now.
Dark Helmet: What happened to then?
Colonel Sandurz: We passed then.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sandurz: Just now. We're at now, now.
Dark Helmet: Go back to then!
Colonel Sandurz: When?
Dark Helmet: Now.
Colonel Sandurz: Now?
Dark Helmet: Now!
Colonel Sandurz: I can't.
Dark Helmet: Why?
Colonel Sandurz: We missed it.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sandurz: Just now.
Dark Helmet: When will then be now?
Colonel Sandurz: Soon.
Dark Helmet: How soon?

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