Courtesy of Dr. Delores A Jacobs, over at
The Center:
As the 2008 presidential campaigns continue to heat up, it is clear that our community will play an incredibly important role.
We are a sought-after voting bloc, as evidenced by nearly all the Democratic presidential candidates appearing in the LOGO/HRC Visible Vote forum, speaking exclusively about issues of specific concern to the LGBT and allied community, and the efforts of candidates of all parties to reach out to our community – for volunteers, for dollars and for votes. It is a fact – LGBT people and our supporters are an integral part of these campaigns.
We cannot afford to be passive in this process. We all have a role to play, and must take the appropriate steps to ensure that our voices are heard in 2008, and that can start by simply making certain that we are registered to vote.
If you are not yet registered, or have moved since the last election, you must register with the San Diego County Registrar of Voters. There are three options to register – online at, by picking up a postcard registration form at the Registrar’s office (5201 Ruffin Road, Ste. I, San Diego, CA 92123), at any city clerk’s office in San Diego County, at the Department of Motor Vehicles, U.S. post offices and public libraries. Or, you can call the Registrar’s office at (858) 565-5800 and request a registration postcard.
If you are registered, but would like to receive vote-by-mail ballot, you can do so at or by calling (858) 565-5800. Voting by mail gives you the opportunity to take your time (two weeks) to complete your ballot and ensure that unforeseen circumstances like work, illness or travel, don’t keep you from casting your vote.
If you are registered, but would like to permanently become a vote by mail ballot voter, you can also do so at or by calling (858) 565-5800 and requesting the permanent vote by mail voter form.
For more information about voting in San Diego, please contact the Registrar of Voters at (858) 565-5800 or